
The License is the item that acts as entry condition for the Crystal Tour. It is expected to prevent abuse of farming gCCT and to become one of the growth contents in the game.

When a new account is created, the Beginner tier will be granted to the License, which can be leveled up and upgraded.

In order to earn enough token rewards, licenses should be sufficiently upgraded and leveled up by using each of the three currencies - Gelder, gGGT, and gCCT - depending on the stage of growth. Specifically, all three currencies are required for license level-ups, while gGGT and gCCT will be needed for upgrades.

You might be disappointed by the small amount of gCCT rewards earned from the first victory at a Crystal Tour. However, you will be able to experience the dramatic increase of the rewards as you upgrade your license.

While the increase in compensation influenced by growth is necessary to protect the ecosystem from users who only aim for token withdrawals without making a contribution, it may become quite an interesting game solely with the gameplay itself of farming currency for growth.

For reference, the highest growth section of the license that requires gGGT will be locked during the early phase of the IX version and will be unlocked when the content for earning gGGT is added.

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